Every year, we hear about countless electrical accidents that happen around the house. These can have disastrous outcomes, including injuries, house fires, or even deaths.
So what can you do to ensure your home is safe?
Fortunately, we’ve put together a list of electrical tips you need for the home.
1. Overloaded outlets
With the number of electrical appliances we all own, electrical sockets can end up being in high demand.
However, overloading an electrical outlet can cause electrical problems. If you notice the outlet is hot to touch, this is a sign that you may have overloaded it.
When plugging in appliances to outlets, remember:
- Do not use an extension cord or multi-outlet converters for appliances
- Use smart plugs to monitor outlet power loads
- Only use one heat-producing appliance at once
If your outlet is hot, you may wish to book an appointment with your local qualified electrician. If you are finding you are frequently overloading outlets, you may also want to get your electrician to install additional outlets.

2. Faulty or old cords
Most of us are guilty of using a power cord that is not in a good condition. However, doing this runs the risk of causing house fires or electrocution.
Make sure you check your power cords for any signs of fraying or cracking. If you see this, you should replace the power cord.
Remember that you should not run power cords under rugs or furniture, and they should not be stapled or taped into place. This can not only cause a trip hazard but runs the risk of the cord being crushed by furniture which can damage the wiring.

3. Child-proof plugs
Do you have a young child? It can often be difficult to prevent toddlers from touching anything that is within reach. To ensure your child’s safety, we recommend using child-proof plugs. This will help to prevent your child from poking their fingers or other objects into the sockets.
4. Store your unused cords
Make sure you consider how and where you are storing your unused electrical cords. This should be in a safe location that cannot be accessed by children or pets. This will prevent any cords from being damaged by chewing or being played with.
When you are storring the cord, make sure you do not wrap it tightly around any objects. While this seems like a tidy way to store a cord, it can cause the cord to stretch, which can result in overheating.

5. Be safe around heaters
When the weather gets cooler, may people will start to use portable heaters to stay warm.
When using portable heaters, make sure they are not located near curtains, in order to avoid any fire hazards. Ensure your portable heater is being used on a stable surface, to avoid the heater tipping over.
Portable heaters can be an electrical hazard if they are used within the bathroom.
Make sure you don’t store or use any combustibles near your portable heater in order to avoid any fire hazards.
6. Unplug unused appliances
This will not only save on your electricity bill, but it will help keep you safe around the home. If you leave your unused appliances plugged in, this can cause them to overheat or can be damaged from power surges.
If you struggle to remember if you have turned off an unused appliance, you may wish to consider investing in smart plugs. These allow you to set power schedules for each outlet around the house.
7. Water and electricity
Mixing water and electricity is an easy way to cause an electrical shock, which can be fatal.
When using an electrical appliance, make sure you keep the appliance dry and away from water. Ensure your hands remain dry at all times.
If you are using appliances in the bathroom such as shavers, hairdryers or straighteners, make sure you remember to switch them off and unplug them after use in order to avoid any electrical shocks.
Remember to avoid using extension cords in wet areas.
Have you noticed any electrical problems around your home? Avoid trying to fix these on your own. If you are not qualified, this can result in electrical injury or can even be deadly. To avoid this, call your local electrician.
Need some more electrical tips for the home? Want to book an appointment? Contact Maines Electrical today.